iPod Shuffle

Производитель: ALDA DOLL
Код товара: Товар 7
Доступность: На складе

  • 100.00 р.

Доставим за 2 дня
Любой вариант оплаты
Самые низкие цены
Расширенная гарантия
Собственный сервис-центр
Сотни довольных клиентов

О производителе


Born to be worn.

Clip on the worlds most wearable music player and take up to 240 songs with you anywhere. Choose from five colors including four new hues to make your musical fashion statement.

Random meets rhythm.

With iTunes autofill, iPod shuffle can deliver a new musical experience every time you sync. For more randomness, you can shuffle songs during playback with the slide of a switch.

Everything is easy.

Charge and sync with the included USB dock. Operate the iPod shuffle controls with one hand. Enjoy up to 12 hours straight of skip-free music playback.

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